Monday, February 14, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

When I hear 'Birth', what comes to my mind is...
  •  Fetus, the unborn child that grows within the mother's womb. In which we see as new life forming, the final tie in a relationship between two people, the future of our nation and either a mistake or a miracle.         Is the fetus considered a living being? What types of situation of the conceptions would shape the thought of the fetus?
  •  Hormones, the chemical signals in the body that control the person's physical appearance and mental and emotional state of being. When considering a women pregnant, it is known that her hormones will change; but her hormone changes also affects those around her, like the father of the child, and the soon to be grandparents. Mood swings are the most common symptom of pregnancy, besides the weight gain and the food  cravings.                                                                                         Does the emotional changes in the pregnant women's behavior affect the families' behavior too? What specific hormones are changed during pregnancy?